Registered Hereford Beef


JH Farms is excited to have embarked on growing our cattle herd in 2021, with 6 lovely ladies.

Rose, our 8 year old, is mother of the herd.

Amber, Angel, Ada, Alli, Autumn all born in 2021 will be joined by Rose's next calf (if female) due in mid 2022 as the long term mothers of our herd.

We hope to have our first group of calves born in 2023 and then begin our beef sales in 2024. 

We are focused on having a small well cared for herd. We interact with each girl daily and make sure they have the best life possible. These girls will be our pets for life even once they are no longer able to be bred. It will be their offspring that will serve as food to nourish both our family, and our customers.

We believe that Hereford's taste better, and is why we are focused on developing the best natural grass fed beef program. Learn more about Herefords.

JH Farms is a proud member of the Canadian Hereford Association